The word Sojourn literally means “a temporary stay.” We believe that this world, as good as it can be at times, is not our home. This reality compels us to be committed followers of Jesus Christ above all other allegiances and to recognize that we were made for far more than this world could ever provide. We believe that the local church, and specifically Sojourn Community Church, is an outpost in a foreign land. We long for Sojourn to be a place that both reflects our future home and stirs us on towards the finish line.

Our vision is to see the Gospel transform everything: our lives, our church, our community, and our world. We believe that the gospel changes everything and that there is no area of our lives that go untouched once we meet Jesus. We believe this transformation takes place within the context of gospel community in the local church.

Our mission is to multiply followers of Jesus who will intentionally reproduce themselves in the lives of others. Simply out, our mission is to make disciples of Jesus.